Thursday, October 1, 2009

Woman gives birth alone in Taylor County Jail cell

Lisa Mijares claims to have given birth to her son three years ago in the Taylor County Jail in Abilene, TX. After allerting correctional staff that she was in labor, her request for help was reportedly ignored.

Although the birth certificate of her son states he was born at Hendrick Medical Center, she claims that is not the case and that she and her son were transported to Hendrick after she gave birth.

Mijares reportedly isn't the only woman to have given birth at the jail. In a separate alleged incident, the baby died.

In this video interview, Mijares describes squating on her jail cell floor and catching the baby in her hands as she gave birth.

Perjury complaint filed against Officer Bailey

A complaint was filed last week with the Abilene Police Dept. against Officer Courtney Bailey for allegedly committing perjury. Victor Fiorentini was accompanied by me for moral support when he filed the complaint.

A few days earlier, Fiorentini also filed a request with City Manager Larry Gilley, that his arrest be fully investigated in light of the new evidence that Officer Bailey wasn't the only officer to perjure herself at his trial.

A similar request filed before the trial was denied by then Assistant Chief of Police, Stan Standridge.

I encourage Chief Standridge to reconsider his position in the spirit of fairness, especially considering that Fiorentini had his skull, orbital (eye bone) and two molars fractured due to his beating at the hands of three APD officers who were there for the purpose of a standby and not a criminal complaint.