Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Gay Marriage Isn't Fabulous?

Gay Marriage Isn't Fabulous?

What does Star Trek’s Mr. Sulu and talk show host Ellen DeGeneres have in common?

They plan on marrying this year, but not each other.

The two gay celebrities intend to tie the knot with their same-sex partners thanks to four California Supreme Court judges who overruled over 4 million voters that passed Proposition 22, a referendum which defined legal marriage as only between a man and a woman.

The court upheld San Francisco Superior Court Judge Richard Kramer’s ruling that California statutes banning same-sex marriage were unconstitutional. Kramer added that “no rational purpose exists for limiting marriage in this state to opposite sex partners.”

Logical reasons exist on both sides of most arguments from abortion to zoophilia. To imply no rational reasons exist for preserving the traditional institution of marriage exposes Kramer’s lack of objectivity and bias. Judge Kramer is guilty of legislating from the bench — one more in a line of justices that have come out of the gay rights closet wearing pink colored glasses though which the view the law.

While the average citizen isn’t in the position to reason with a judge on these issues, we are capable of presenting reasonable positions to our friends and associates. When attempting to do so, it’s good to remember that religion over reason isn’t usually your best bet.

Quoting the homosexual prohibitions in 1 Corinthians 6:9 or Romans 1:27 could lead to a debate over whether you believe planting “a field with two kinds of seed” violates the decree of God (Lev 19:19) or whether you support stoning children who curse their parents (Lev 20:9). The adage that “the Bible says Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve” just won’t cut it in today’s culture war.

People whose arguments rely on cultural catch phrases like, “it’s wrong to discriminate” and “you can’t legislate morality” are relatively easy to handle if they’re open minded. They forget that laws by their very nature are designed to discriminate.

Laws against nudism — a victimless crime — discriminate against people who prefer to hang out in their birthday suits. Most would support laws that force the school crossing guard to wear more than a hand-held stop sign. Laws against necrophiliacs and cannibals also discriminate, defining through legislation as to what is and is not moral for our culture.

Consider the case of the Rotenburg Cannibal, Armin Meiwes, who advertised on his “Cannibal Café” website for a gay man willing “to be slaughtered and then consumed.” His victim was arguably not a victim, folks, he was a “volunteer” who allowed the entire process to be captured on video.

While this is an extreme example, it can be argued that laws against this breed of behavior violate the gay and civil rights of consenting adults. If you support laws against voluntary cannibalism then you, my friend, believe in legislating morality as do most Americans. We live in a democratic republic where society resolves what is legally immoral, it doesn’t mean our collective views are valid for every culture.

When I worked in Hollywood’s entertainment industry, I made many gay friends. They were some of the most compassionate, fun and intelligent people I have ever met. The gay couple that lived next door consisted of an executive who worked for Playboy (he said about 25% of the men at Playboy are gay) and his boyfriend who would sometimes dress like a woman and sing show tunes.

The couple often took care of one of their nephews and were attentive, warm and encouraging to the youngster. While I don’t hold that gay people can’t make even better parents than many heterosexual couples, I just don’t believe these types of marriages are best for our society as a whole.

My experience is that children raised by both biological parents have advantages over their counterparts. These children historically have higher self-esteem, do better in school and stay out of jail at a higher rate. Nuclear families are a dying breed thanks to high divorce rates and out of wedlock births. Approximately 21% of U.S. households are traditional nuclear families, which is down from the 1970 statistic of 40%. It’s simply in our best interest to support and promote the traditional family model.

Allowing gay marriage or forcing counties or states to recognize such marriages promotes the gay agenda, further chipping away at the traditional family. Youngsters that are beginning to mold their sexual identities are no longer that surprised when they see the openly lesbian couple in school, or that Danny has two daddies. Children who are on the fence sexually are more likely to experiment with same-sex relationships if they are told by educators and entertainers that this is normal and natural.

When I was in Jr. High, my friends and I wanted to model The Fonz on the “family friendly” show Happy Days by making out with any girl who was willing and then divulge the details to our chums — that was how to prove we were real men. Today’s teens have even more extreme examples of masculinity to follow.

The late night Girls Gone Wild infomercials are perfect examples of an entertainment centered culture that graphically pushes teen promiscuity, lesbianism and overall drunken debauchery. Today’s example of Superman bedding Lois Lane and fostering a child out of wedlock is considered mild in comparison. Can you imagine Ward and June Cleaver getting away with something like that on Leave It To Beaver?

Today’s TV shows and movies lower the bar every year. Cross-dressers and gay characters passionately kissing are the new norm; an in your face trend which is championed by a swelling list of rock stars and Hollywood celebrities — remember Brittany Spears and Madonna?

The gay lifestyle is a physically and emotionally dangerous lifestyle, especially for children. In one study, 47% of teens that identified as gay or lesbian have seriously considered suicide and 36% have made suicide attempts. Certain sexually transmitted diseases are especially rampant in the gay teen community, such as HIV and AIDS.

The Advocate, probably the most well known gay publication, published the following admission:
“Our community, the gay and lesbian community – and I particularly fault gay men here – has done nothing to try to help our youth. Gay men view these boys as recreational toys to be used. I have heard many stories of HIV-positive men having sex with boys. They don’t think it matters.”

If gay marriage becomes the norm, adolescent males could look at experimenting with an adult male the same way they would look at expermienting with an adult female — “just another sexual experience.” The thing is, there are not a lot of adult women knocking on the doors of more than willing, hormone driven boys looking for such an experience.

Those that truly believe the law has no right to interfere with same-sex marriages should be consistent in their beliefs and support the rights of polygamists who desire multiple wives and women who prefer to marry man’s best friend over the man — I’m talking Rover here.

By resisting efforts to legalize gay marriage, you are protecting not just the institution of marriage, but you’re also sheilding our youth from getting caught up in the pro-gay media blitz — a purposeful campagin that seeks to destroy the institution of tradional marriage, which will in the end reduce the chances of future generations from experiencing a tradional family of their own.

Lance Hunter Voorhees is a political columnist and former radio co-host of “A.M. Big Country.” Feel free to email Lance@TheLanceReports.com or visit his new Blog at www.TheLanceReports.com © 2008 Lance Hunter Voorhees


Anonymous said...

If the gays want to be as dumb and the straights and getting married why not let them be as miserable as everyone else? Just about everyone I know is fucked up from some childhood trauma that happened by the hands of their "nuclear family". Quoting some percentage that kids raise by gay parents who want to kill themselves is quite laughable.

You bible thumpers ought to take the time you blog/fret/yell about the evils of gay marriage and use it more constructively. Like helping old ladies cross the streets or feeding the homeless.

eric said...

You bible haters should try to be more open minded to the truth of societal breakdowns in the history of man. This latest joke of gay marriage is nothing new. Historically speaking homosexuals have always pushed for this, and when societies gave into it, that society was destroyed within short time. Mainly because of the immorality of that society, which only became more rapid once traditional marriage was thrown out for some cheap concept of sexual attachment.
Mr. Voorhees points shouldn't be tossed out just because he is a chaplain.
Also, the point that the number of healthy famiilies with a mother and father has dwindled to 21% of society, should wake you up to the problem with your idiotic point that "everyone I know is f... ed up from some childhood trauma.... by their nuclear family".

First off, you will never find perfect when it comes to humans, so get off that high horse.. and face reality. The point isn't that the nuclear family is perfect. The point is the homosexual couple is only making the situation worse. The idea is always to get better not worse. So if mom and dad didn't do a good job for you, than you can do a better job with your spouse to raise your child in a better situation. But to choose to do worse to your child than your parents did for you is stupid.
But to state the typical reaction from the homosexual anti bible view is so redundent.

We should always strive for better for our kids not worse. Mr. Voorhees point is just that. Homosexual relationships can not be better seeing it is two of the same sex. Only a man and a woman can give a child both sides of humanity which is the best possible beginning for a child. Of course these humans are not perfect but this is the best foundation one could have to start with.

Secondly, no ones rights are ever being taken away with making marriage between a man and woman. Since both men and women are allowed to be married. This statement is so ridiculous seeing anybody can be married. Since marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman.

So lets move on from this argument and make our society healthier and learn from our mistakes and not repeat them. Throw out what is destroying it and keep what is making it strong. Traditional marriage is and always has been a basic ingredient to the strength of our country. We can never let this be destroyed for the good of our children.