Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Jihadist Prison Ministries

Right On Target
with Lance Hunter Voorhees

You’ve heard their names: Al–Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Taliban and Islamic Jihad. What most haven’t heard is that these terrorist organizations are setting up shop in U.S. and Latin American prisons under the guise of ministry.

Counterfeit chaplains are converting prisoners to an extreme form of Islam with an eye to cultivate terroristic saboteurs and martyrs willing to wrap themselves in explosives and detonate on Main Street U.S.A. Their endgame is even more diabolical, which is to cause death and disease of biblical proportions to usher in the end of the world and their Messiah, the Al-Imam al-Mahdi, better known as the Anti-Christ.

Does that sound any more farfetched than Jihadist highjackers flying into the World Trade Center on their way to an eternal date with seventy-two virgins? Read on.

Dr. J. Michael Waller, Annenberg Professor of International Communication for the Institute of World Politics, warns of the inroads that radical Muslim chaplains are making in American prisons — North, Central and South America included.

Testifying before the Senate’s Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security, Dr. Waller stated that Muslim chaplaincies are “one of several avenues of infiltration, recruitment, training and operation” for terrorist organizations who are backed by foreign governments like Iran and Syria, who want to gain a foothold in the Western Hemisphere.

What begins as a religious conversion may be adulterated into the cultish fervor that is prevalent in many Middle Eastern mosques and madrassas (Islamic schools & seminaries) radicalizing prisoners into a cadre of militant Muslims who will be soldiers in the ultimate Jihad, or Holy War. Prisoners are pressed into service by threat, or more effectively by bribe.

They are promised financial assistance upon release and the financial deep pockets of radical Islam have more than enough to make good on its promises.

Various U.S. intelligence sources, including the Israeli Mossad, warn that terror cells are being based throughout Latin America; the highest concentration being in the tri-bordered area of Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil, known as “The Muslim Triangle,” the Western Hemisphere’s terrorist-central.

From here, highly funded terror-brokers are systematically seeding almost eight million square miles of fertile recruiting ground. As this budding crop of trained terrorists are harvested, their goal will be to mix-in with the three to four million illegals that yearly cross our 1952-mile backdoor - the Mexican border.

Mark F. Wong, the State Department’s Acting Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism, testified before the House Committee On International Relations about the specific threat that Latin American Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah cells pose in “America’s Backyard.” These terrorist organizations are not only pooling resources among themselves but also building alliances with prison gangs, smuggling rings and drug cartels.

Afghanistan alone produces 92% of the worlds opium and 80% of the heroin, giving the Taliban great influence south of our border. Unfortunately, U.S. troops are restricted from destroying poppy fields for fear of alienating poppy farmers and workers who provide ground intelligence.

Army Gen. Dan K. McNeil, the American NATO commander in Afghanistan, was quoted in the Financial Times as saying that “Eradication done improperly is counterintuitive to running the counterinsurgency because it will alienate people and you may have more insurgent people appearing than you had before.

The result is that the U.S. is trying to fight a war with their hands tied by political correctness, which has allowed Afghanistan’s opium harvest to more than double since 2002, the proceeds of which are often used to purchase weapons that in turn kill U.S. troops.

For terrorist organizers, the millions of poor, hungry and uneducated common folk of Latin America are the new recruiting targets of choice. Latin Americans are especially susceptible to Islamist conversion because Spain was a Muslim country for over 700 years. Because of Latin America’s shared common ancestry with Spain, radical Islam can be made more appealing by marketing it as the religion of their ancestors. “Islam is in your blood.”

The problem of militant Islam has also become a hornet’s nest in U.S. federal prisons, where 9% of inmates request Islamic services, most of whom are African American. The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is one of two officially recognized certifiers of Muslim chaplains and the only organization that has been authorized to endorse Muslim chaplains to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons. This is the same ISNA that was named in a U.S. District Court in Dallas, TX as an un-indicted co-conspirator with the Holy Land Foundation for raising money for the terrorist group Hamas.

While the Clinton Administration turned a politically correct blind eye to the problem of radical prison chaplains, President Bush has put a hold the ISNA’s ability to endorse Muslim chaplains for services. While that is a good first step, it has also reduced the number of moderate Muslim chaplains who move on and are not replaced.

The vacuum has created more inmate led services called “Prison Islam” that moderate Muslim chaplains are warning us about. Prison Islam, is an undirected form of extreme Islam that is influenced by prison gangs who pressure prisoners to come under it’s wing of protection through the use of threats.

The FBI warns that many prisoners are now leaving prison “with extreme Islamist views.” While they may not be converted to actual terrorists while in prison, the danger is that they will seek out extremist mosques upon release and be vulnerable to further radicalization. Being that history is known to repeat itself, we could soon experience our own wave of ex-con and illegal alien suicide bombings.

Saddam Hussein personally invested over $10 million U.S. dollars in bounties for the families of “successful suicide bombers” with awards ranging from $25,000 to $40,000. Imagine what would happen if we prematurely pulled out of Iraq and let insurgents control the world’s third largest oil reserves.

The billions of dollars terrorists would control could not only pay suicide bomber bounties, but also pay for a higher class of weapons, including nuclear and dirty bomb materials. Once smuggled into the U.S., the loss of life could be staggering and our economy would easily be brought to it’s knees before the altar of radical Islam, which fits comfortably within Mahdistic theology, the messianic doctrine of militant Islam, which also drives Iran’s current foreign policy, and probably its nuclear policy as well.

The Al-Imam al-Mahdi is the prophesized messiah of both the Sunni and Shia branches of Islam. While the Sunni’s believe the Mahdi has yet to appear, the Shiites believe that he appeared in past history and will again be revealed at his glorious advent.

In a nutshell, this apocalyptic branch of theology teaches: “The world will not come to an end until a man from the descendants of Husayn takes charge of the affairs of the world.” The Mahdi will “defend Islam" and first rule “over the Arabs” before becoming the global ruler.

“When the Master of the Age appears,” he will “rule for seven years” just before “The Day of Resurrection” and “will offer the religion of Islam to the Jews and the Christians; if they accept it they will be spared, otherwise they will be killed.” To assure that other nations do not become an obstacle, he will negotiate “a Treaty of Non-interference with the Rulers.”

While a growing number suspect that Barrack Hussein Obama is the descendent of Husayn spoken of here, I don’t agree. My various theological reasons for this are touched on in our Community Forum under the blog line “Is Obama the antichrist?”

One doesn’t have to be a biblical scholar to recognize the numerous and ominous parallels between Christian and Mahdistic theology. Most striking is the Christian belief in an Anti-Christ that reigns during Israel’s seven year tribulation and the Mahdi, which is also to rule seven years and bring tribulation upon Israel for its unbelief in Mohammed.

If Jihadist Islamists are successful at converting Latino and Black martyrs through Mahdistic theology, a race war could ignite within America’s borders that would make the days of segregation pale in comparison.

The U.S. waited for the tragedy of 9/11 before installing bullet-proof cockpit doors to help secure the cockpits of America’s airplanes. What tragedy awaits the U.S. before she is forced to truly secure America’s borders and federal prisons?

Lance Hunter Voorhees is a political columnist and former radio co-host of “A.M. Big Country.” Feel free to email Lance@TheLanceReports.com or visit his new Blog at http://www.thelancereports.com/ © 2008 Lance Hunter Voorhees

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps instead of picking on the common criminals our jailers should subject these guys to the beatings and the dog bites!