Right On Target
With Lance Hunter Voorhees
For all intents and purposes, it’s a two-man race for the presidency. John McCain and Barrack Obama will rally the majority of their respective party members behind them, but both will have to temper their rhetoric to siphon off independents.
The danger for McCain is that many social conservatives are planning to abandon the Republican ship and either vote Libertarian or simply sit this one out. Die-hard conservatives are in a quandary over whether to support the lesser of two evils (McCain) or to sit back and watch Obama bag himself a RINO (Republican in Name Only).
To do nothing to thwart Obama and simply pray that a conservative messiah will appear in 2013 to establish a Republican White House just doesn’t cut it.
True-blue conservatives realize McCain is hawkish on foreign policy but dovish on the environment and weak on immigration and First Amendment rights, which leaves a bad taste in Republican palates.
McCain has raised the blood pressure of many Republicans by his salty, cafeteria-style conservatism. “I’ll have a green global warming sandwich — hold the tax cuts, an order of Middle Eastern war and a child’s portion of free speech smothered in campaign finance reform.”
Senator McCain’s ping-pong style voting record has bounced between conservatism and liberalism for years causing the American Conservative Union in 2006 to rank 46 other U.S. Senators as more conservative.
McCain’s conservative repelling statements are becoming infamous and his history of sponsoring big government legislation flies in the face of basic Republican ideals. McCain could easily double as a Democrat and according to many, McCain considered switching parties to become John Kerry’s Democratic vice presidential running mate in 2000. But McCain’s Dem tendencies didn’t stop there.
According to columnist Arianna Huffington, an angry McCain and his wife Cindy admitted to her that they didn’t even vote for fellow Republican George Bush in the 2000 general election — McCain’s definitely not a team player, he’s a maverick.
During the primary season, McCain sold himself as a super-hero conservative. Now that he has won the Republican contest, it is all about winning over independents and moderate Democrats. McCain is now in the market for donkeys, not pachyderms.
McCain knows no conservative in his right mind will vote for Obama so he is hedging his bets that he can tread deeper into leftist waters to fish for independents, but stay just shallow enough to not deeply offend most Republicans. For McCain, it’s a numbers game.
McCain now packages himself as The Green Lantern, selling himself as a tree-hugging crusader lighting the way to eco-friendliness, who equates drilling in Alaska’s ANWR to drilling in the Grand Canyon, “This is one of the most pristine and beautiful parts of the world.”
If that isn’t hard enough for conservatives to swallow, McCain tarnished his pro-life voting record by filing a legal brief with the Supreme Court in a failed attempt to silence Wisconsin Right To Life and to keep other corporations like them from mentioning a candidate by name within 60 days of an election. McCain basically said, “to hell with the First Amendment!”
McCain has demeritoriously damaged the cause of conservatism and as a result, many won’t be willing to grit their teeth and cast a vote for him in November. That being said…
I’m voting for John McCain.
Right wing Republicans that abstain from voting or choose to throw their strategical ballot away on a third party candidate may vault Obama to victory come November. Conservatives who don’t employ solid political strategy to defeat Obama could indirectly assist Obama’s dangerous agenda and cost millions of American lives.
The two most important responsibilities of a U.S. President are to appoint federal judges and to be commander in chief. Obama is quite open in that he is willing to fail miserably at both of these pivotal responsibilities — my words, not his.
America is just one Supreme Court justice away from overturning Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that legalized abortion. For conservatives to discount this fact and let Obama slide in to home plate without even attempting to throw him out is to risk the future lives of millions of unborn children.
If given the opportunity, McCain promises to appoint Supreme Court justices in the vein of “strict constructionists” like Samuel Alito and John Roberts. While I don’t trust McCain to make good on his word, I do trust Obama in that he will appoint justices who like himself support partial-birth abortion and even the killing of children who survive their mother’s abortion procedure.
Obama failed to support the Illinois Born Alive Protection Act that would have outlawed abandoning infants that survive an abortion, leaving them to die. He did this even after hearing the testimony of Jill Stanek, a registered nurse who witnessed babies “being aborted alive and shelved to die in the soiled utility room.”
Obama has proven to be heartless on the abortion issue, but with McCain, we at least have an opportunity to alter the complexion of the Supreme Court just enough to rescind Roe v. Wade. Pro-lifers have waited 35 years for this chance and to sit this one out or vote for someone other than McCain could set the pro-life movement back indefinitely.
Many blame the Germans for passively sitting back and letting approximately 11 million Jews, Catholics and gypsies die in the Holocaust. Shouldn’t it be a priority for us to do everything we can to stop the American Holocaust that has extinguished the lives of over 35 million unborn? Think about it. That is an average of a million Americans each year.
Conservative apathy this election cycle could not only endanger the unborn, but our military and citizenry as well. Obama is determined to emasculate our U.S military and leave us vulnerable to the enemies of peace. Does it make sense to put a progressive socialist in charge of the greatest democracy in history and hand him the reigns to an unparalleled military force?
Just listen to the words of Obama, the man who could be our military’s next commander in chief:
“I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems, I will not weaponize space, I will slow our development of future combat systems…I will set a goal of a world without nuclear weapons. To seek that goal I will not develop new nuclear weapons, I will seek a global ban on the production of fissile material and I will negotiate with Russia to take our ICBM’s off hair trigger alert and to achieve deep cuts in our nuclear arsenals.”
Obama has launched his campaign from a foundation of progressive socialism and anti-Americanism. If the Democrats retain control of the House and Senate, Obama could do irreparable damage to our country.
To those conservatives who refuse to vote McCain I would say, “I truly feel your pain,” but if you have convinced yourselves that you are sticking to your principles by not joining forces with moderate Republicans to defeat Obama, how can you expect moderates to join us and support conservative candidates in the future?
To angrily scoop up our toys and walk out of the political sandbox because our guy didn’t win the primary is shortsighted. Sticking to your principles doesn’t mean sticking your head in the sand.
Lance Hunter Voorhees is a political columnist and former radio co-host of “A.M. Big Country.” Feel free to email Lance@TheLanceReports.com or visit his new Blog at www.TheLanceReports.com © 2008 Lance Hunter Voorhees
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